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Erectile dysfunction (ED), is the inability to erect or maintain sufficient erection for sexual intercourse. The U.S. has 50 percent of all men aged between 40 and 70 affected by erectile dysfunction. This percentage rises with increasing age. Fortunately, ED can be treated at any age and is not a common symptom of aging.

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Erectile Dysfunction: Causes

To achieve erection, there are certain conditions that must be met. These include adequate blood supply to the penis and slowed return. Proper function of the nerves leading from and to the penis. Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be caused by disruption of any one of these systems.

A majority of ED cases are due to abnormalities in blood vessels or nerves within the penis. Hormone imbalances, structural problems of the penis, certain medications, and psychological issues could also be causes.

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These are the most common Causes:

  • Arteriosclerosis is a hardening of the arteries that affects the arteries that lead to the penis.
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Prostate surgery complications
  • Select medications such as those to treat high blood pressure, an enlarged prostate or those that affect the central nervous systems, such those used for depression.

ED can be caused by many factors. A man may experience severe erectile dysfunction after taking a new medication, or if his stress levels increase.

Blood Vessel Disease

Partial blockage of blood supply to the legs can be caused by arteriosclerosis (hardening the arteries). ED is often caused by blockage of the penile arteries. This reduces blood supply to the penis. Arteriosclerosis is a condition that can be caused by high cholesterol, high blood pressure and smoking.

Sometimes blood leaves the penis too quickly via the veins. This can reduce blood pressure and impair erection (venoocclusive dysfunction).

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Nerve Dysfunction

ED can occur when the nerves that send signals to the penis can become damaged. Diabetes can cause arteriosclerosis and damage nerves that supply penis. Prostate surgery, which can be done for cancer or an enlarged prostate is a common cause of ED.

Multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and stroke are all less common causes of ED. Temporary ED can also result from prolonged pressure on the nerves of the buttocks or genital area (“breeches”), as is the case when riding a long distance bicycle.

Other Disorders

  • Hormonal disorders, such as low testosterone, can lead to decreased sex drive and even ED.
  • In Peyronie’s disease, scar tissue develops in the penis. This causes painful and curved erections.
  • ED can be caused or contributed to by alcohol, illegal drugs like cocaine, and other substances.
  • ED can be caused by psychological issues (such fear of failure, depression, and other factors that reduce a man’s energy (such exhaustion, illness, stress, etc.). Erectile dysfunction may also be caused by circumstances, such as a specific place, time or partner.
  • Priapism (a painful continuous erection) can cause ED by causing damage to the erectile tissue (corpus Cavernosum) in the penis.

Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction

It is not unusual to experience occasional erection difficulties. If a man has trouble maintaining or achieving erection every day, he should consult a doctor. This could be a sign of a more serious condition, such as arteriosclerosis, or a nerve disorder. Most causes of ED are treatable. This information will help you decide when to visit a doctor. It also describes what is included in an evaluation.

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