good health

How can we improve our health?

This is a question that is being asked more and more often by many health specialists. Being healthy does not only mean not suffering from any illness, but also enjoying physical, mental and social well-being.

The concept of Health

Although the concept of health may differ from person to person depending on their circumstances, the basis of good health is based on correct nutritional habits and our role is fundamental when it comes to prevention. Let’s talk about what good health is and how to achieve it.

Everyone is different and depending on personal circumstances, such as age or lifestyle, good health may involve different aspects. For example, a healthy elderly person does not share the same conditions as a healthy elite athlete. Although advances in medical research have meant that today we have a multitude of treatments of all kinds available to avoid, control and prevent diseases, our role in looking after our own health is very important: all medical professionals agree thxat good health starts with good nutritional habits, and prevention and education are fundamental pillars of this.

How can we take care of our health?

Now that we know exactly what good health is, let’s talk about what we can do to lead a healthier life. I summarise here 10 simple and effective tips to follow on a daily basis!

1. Watch your diet

Diet plays a fundamental role in well-being and health. It is recommended that you reduce your consumption of salt, refined sugar and saturated fatty acids (meat, dairy products) and instead favour unsaturated fatty acids (fatty fish, vegetable oils), whole grains and of course, fruit and vegetables. Indeed, a scientific review has shown that for every additional 100g of fruit and vegetables consumed, the risk of depression is reduced by 3%.

2. Practise regular physical activity

Physical activity is known to help keep your figure, but its benefits do not stop there. In fact, sport promotes longevity, helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improves mental health. According to the World Health Organisation, a sedentary lifestyle is considered the fourth leading risk factor for death worldwide. If you don’t practice sport regularly, it is advisable to walk for 30 minutes a day at a steady pace. See our article Sport for seniors?

3. Drink more water

An adult’s body is 60% water. Every day, they spend an average of more than 2 litres of it. We all know that drinking water is excellent for our bodies, but many people forget to drink enough. It is worth remembering that some foods (fruit and vegetables) hydrate the body, while others (alcohol) dehydrate it. It is recommended to drink at least 1.5 to 2 litres of water per day.
Thirst is already a sign of dehydration, so remember to drink throughout the day.

4. Sleep better

Sleep is crucial for many biological functions.
Too much or too little sleep has been shown to increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
On average, an adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night. To help you sleep better, it is advisable to lower the ambient light before sleeping, eat lightly in the evening to aid digestion, avoid coffee and tea after 5pm, be physically active during the day and have comfortable bedding.

5. Take time to relax

Modern life is a source of great stress for many people, which has an extremely detrimental effect on health. It is therefore highly recommended to take breaks from this rhythm of life. A nap, reading or watching a film is good for your health. There are also adaptogenic plants that can calm the body.

6. Get out and see the world

We are social beings. Sharing time with other people helps to create an identity and improve our physical and mental health. Seeing people means using your brain and body to talk, laugh and get some fresh air… This greatly reduces the risk of depression. It is advisable, for example, to join a club, an association or a sports team!

7. Have a positive attitude

Keeping a positive attitude has a real impact on health and well-being. The brain needs to move forward, to have goals, challenges… Having a goal or an activity that is important to us gives meaning to our lives, is excellent for morale and reduces the risk of depression.

8. Avoiding tobacco

We are not teaching you anything, tobacco is very harmful to your health. It is responsible for many disorders and increases the chances of developing a serious illness. Life expectancy is drastically reduced, the body becomes intoxicated and exhausted.
Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is an important step towards better health.

9. Replace coffee with tea

Easier to do for some than others, replacing coffee with tea (especially green tea) every morning is a simple, daily solution that is very beneficial to your health. Tea is much richer in antioxidants, which help prevent cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other age-related diseases.

10. Limit sitting at work

A sedentary lifestyle promotes health problems such as obesity and back pain. Office work often involves sitting for hours on end. It is important to get up at lunchtime, take regular breaks and move around. These breaks during the day not only limit the damage of sitting, but also improve concentration!